Police dog Center "The Bergakkers" has more than 35 years on a regular clientele with various government agencies throughout the world.
Some succes stories
K9-police dog Roy and trainer Marco Huerta at the Mexico/USA border. This team found 8.7 kilos of cocaine in a dashboard compartment of a minivan. Roy is placed via our client Kasseburg Canine Training Center in the United States.
K9-police dog Tinka and trainer Tim Sanford (Jefferson County's Sheriff's Department) in an action on the Innerstate[SIC]. Tinka is trained and placed via our client Alabama Canine Law Enforcement in the United States.
K9-politiedog Laika and trainer Chris Amedee (in Savannah, Georgia, USA) with a Unitfoto. This team achieved several spectacular results at the USPCA. Laika is placed via our client Enforcement Canine Inc. in the United States.